
Sunday, July 13, 2014


So I've been thinking a lot lately about how self absorbed our society has become.

NOW DON'T GET MAD I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT YOU! Just a collective "you" referring to society in general.

In today's world, it all revolves around technology. If we're not texting someone, we're on Facebook or playing a game or tweeting or chirping or whatever it is people do now.

So this is what it comes down to. People nowadays don't gauge happiness in the same way as people in days or yore. Self confidence is solely based on how many likes someone can get, or how many people will find what they say funny.

How much lasting happiness does that like even bring though? For most people, little to none. The main source for happiness and self confidence is bringing little to no benefit.

And don't get me wrong, sometimes public praise feels great. It always feels good to have someone like what you say. But there is a better way to bring that same happiness from people that will actually last longer than the next time someone else posts something more popular.

What feels the greatest is sincere genuine compliments. If every like was replaced with a compliment, imagine how happy our society could become. Because let's be honest, scrolling through Facebook never brings joy. Even if there are good things happening to other people, we often just get envious. But what feels the greatest is when you see someone's face light up after telling them how amazing they are. It is best to do it privately though, because if it is public it may just look like you're trying to make yourself look good, or it could hurt someone else. If posting anything could make someone jealous or feel worse about themselves, then don't post it at all.

My challenge to the world (That's right, to the world!) is to not focus on how many likes we may have, but how many smiles we can have from someone who may be feeling down.

And I don't know, maybe this whole philosophy is just me, but I feel many people could benefit from this. So spread the joy! Let someone know how much you appreciate them. And who knows, it may make you feel better too. Happiness is contagious after all.

-Paint a Chameleon

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