
Friday, November 8, 2013

Email Exchange

If anyone has seen the It Just Gets Stranger  blog, you know how hilarious it can be. So I decided to send the following email to the owner, Eli McCann:

Greetings from a closet! I read on your website that you would listen to my secrets, so here it goes. I secretly enjoy sleeping in large pots. When I'm not surfing on your website, I enjoy surfing on the ceiling. Sometimes I pretend I'm a walrus floating on ice in the Caspian Sea. It would be awful lonely there. I know your feelings towards O2. I had a pet tomato plant named mater. When he tragically froze, we had him cremated and his ashes were spread through his homeland. I have a nasty habit of throwing toothpaste at old people. My falsetto voice is named Gloria. Those are all of my deepest secrets.
   It seems to me that you have not been your normal self on your posts lately. There are probably many causes, but my best guess is it is because of the tsunamis in slovakia. Just hang in there buddy. I sink into the same slovakian depression every year around this time. I have found that coloring pictures can help resolve this issue. So I found my 48 box of crayons and drew this just for you:

I hope you thoroughly enjoy it. I have found coloring solves all of my problems, and hope to see you turning to it more often as well.

Wesley(or whatever other fake name you like)

PS. I feel like there should always be a ps, so frogs.

And three days later, I got this response:

Dear Wesley,

The attached image has brought me nothing but great joy and magic. I will forever retain it. Until I forget my password to this email account, that is.


I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.

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