
Friday, July 25, 2014


The following are excerpts from my literary masterpieces from preschool to fourth grade (In reverse chronological order):

Paul Revere

My hero is Paul Revere. In his ride, he warned people that the redcoats were coming. Of course it was at night. Paul Revere died May 10, 1818. He was special. That is why Paul Revere is my hero. Now, you may know more about him.

Olympic skiers
Sliding down a slick mountain
Dodging obstacles.


I see the snow covering the ground.
I smell warm soup.
I taste the hot chocolate in my cup.
I hear the Christmas music.
I feel the snow in my hands.

There once was a turkey named Nicki
Who ate her food and was picky.
She wouldn't eat pie
Because she might die
Whenever she ate it felt sticky.

Be Nice

No one wants
To be a bully,
So quick,
Make a friend and be
Nice to them,
I hope you make the
Right pick.

This is Logan with his scarf on. He is holding his polygons that he made with toothpicks and marshmellows. The toothpicks are edges and the marshmellows are vertices.

My apple is my favirete color it has two parts of a stem. Its a square shape.

How to Ride a Bike

It's fun to ride a bike.
You will need a bike and a space to ride. First, get out your bike. Next, get on your bike. After that, push forward with your foot on the pedal. Finally, start riding.

Abraham Lincoln honest, kind and true was loved by many. So to remember him they put his face on a penny.

I take out the garbiges.
I pick up toys.
I sweep the floor.

In preschool, all I wrote was the alphabet over and over, and "I love my dog, lad."

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