
Friday, July 25, 2014


The following are excerpts from my literary masterpieces from preschool to fourth grade (In reverse chronological order):

Paul Revere

My hero is Paul Revere. In his ride, he warned people that the redcoats were coming. Of course it was at night. Paul Revere died May 10, 1818. He was special. That is why Paul Revere is my hero. Now, you may know more about him.

Olympic skiers
Sliding down a slick mountain
Dodging obstacles.


I see the snow covering the ground.
I smell warm soup.
I taste the hot chocolate in my cup.
I hear the Christmas music.
I feel the snow in my hands.

There once was a turkey named Nicki
Who ate her food and was picky.
She wouldn't eat pie
Because she might die
Whenever she ate it felt sticky.

Be Nice

No one wants
To be a bully,
So quick,
Make a friend and be
Nice to them,
I hope you make the
Right pick.

This is Logan with his scarf on. He is holding his polygons that he made with toothpicks and marshmellows. The toothpicks are edges and the marshmellows are vertices.

My apple is my favirete color it has two parts of a stem. Its a square shape.

How to Ride a Bike

It's fun to ride a bike.
You will need a bike and a space to ride. First, get out your bike. Next, get on your bike. After that, push forward with your foot on the pedal. Finally, start riding.

Abraham Lincoln honest, kind and true was loved by many. So to remember him they put his face on a penny.

I take out the garbiges.
I pick up toys.
I sweep the floor.

In preschool, all I wrote was the alphabet over and over, and "I love my dog, lad."

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Things I Take for Granted II

Hello there!!! I know, I haven't posted in a week. Don't kill me. I've actually been battling in my life with the young men of my ward in the Uintahs. And, saturday night I was busy. I will post about that later, but not until I have access to some pictures. So if you are the one with the pictures (you know who you are), you're holding up the progress of perfection!

So since I actually don't have the means for that post yet, there isn't much to say today. Instead, here is another episode of things I take for granted:

Good health
Technology!! (Even though I am absolutely horrible at it and figuring out how to use it.)
Shoes (I actually hate wearing shoes, but they do serve a good purpose.)

Anything else you guys have to say, leave in the comments! And anything else you want to comment, feel free to say that too. Have a peachy day!!

-Paint a Chameleon

Sunday, July 13, 2014


So I've been thinking a lot lately about how self absorbed our society has become.

NOW DON'T GET MAD I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT YOU! Just a collective "you" referring to society in general.

In today's world, it all revolves around technology. If we're not texting someone, we're on Facebook or playing a game or tweeting or chirping or whatever it is people do now.

So this is what it comes down to. People nowadays don't gauge happiness in the same way as people in days or yore. Self confidence is solely based on how many likes someone can get, or how many people will find what they say funny.

How much lasting happiness does that like even bring though? For most people, little to none. The main source for happiness and self confidence is bringing little to no benefit.

And don't get me wrong, sometimes public praise feels great. It always feels good to have someone like what you say. But there is a better way to bring that same happiness from people that will actually last longer than the next time someone else posts something more popular.

What feels the greatest is sincere genuine compliments. If every like was replaced with a compliment, imagine how happy our society could become. Because let's be honest, scrolling through Facebook never brings joy. Even if there are good things happening to other people, we often just get envious. But what feels the greatest is when you see someone's face light up after telling them how amazing they are. It is best to do it privately though, because if it is public it may just look like you're trying to make yourself look good, or it could hurt someone else. If posting anything could make someone jealous or feel worse about themselves, then don't post it at all.

My challenge to the world (That's right, to the world!) is to not focus on how many likes we may have, but how many smiles we can have from someone who may be feeling down.

And I don't know, maybe this whole philosophy is just me, but I feel many people could benefit from this. So spread the joy! Let someone know how much you appreciate them. And who knows, it may make you feel better too. Happiness is contagious after all.

-Paint a Chameleon

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Things I Take for Granted: Part I

Vanilla ice cream
That really big pillow I always lay on
Laundry Machines
Air Conditioning

Friday, July 11, 2014


This is the worst thing to ever happen ever. I will probably burn my house down and move across the globe because GROSS! I should probably let you know what actually happened first. I'm nonchalantly sitting here in my bedroom, right? My bedroom is in the basement, so naturally there's a few bugs in it. I'm always used to the occasional spider or something. So I went to put on this shirt and there was a family of earwigs living inside it. Guys. I almost put that on my body. I COULD HAVE BEEN EATEN ALIVE. Never again will I fall into your grasps earwigs. I will find you, and kill you. That is, if you don't kill me first.

My family says I'm dramatic. I don't believe them for an instant though.

-Paint a Chameleon

Saturday, February 8, 2014

You'll Be In My Heart

Feel free to mentally come back to the Present at any moment. Today's song is You'll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins. This song comes up in the disney classic Tarzan. When Kala first discovers the baby Tarzan in the treehouse the song plays.

When destiny calls you
You must be strong (you gotta be strong)
I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together

'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
I'll be there from this day on,
Now and forever more

Maybe I should just start posting all of the lyrics... Good Idea? It is so hard to pick just a fragment because it is all so good! Especially in this song. It talks about how you are never alone. I will be there for you to comfort and love you. Always. You are loved. Isn't that such a great message? Plus Phil Collins is just amazing anyway so there isn't a song of his that isn't great... 

Bless the Broken Road

So, this is technically the song of yesterday, but since it was the Olympics opening ceremony I spent the whole day dressed as a Canadian. So obviously I couldn't do anything else. If you could imagine the rest of the post is coming from yesterday that would be greatly appreciated.

The song of the day is Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flats. One reason I really like this song is because it is basically the story of every single persons' life.

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

Everything we've done in life has led us to meeting a certain person. Everything happens for a reason; even the hard times shape us to who we are today on the long, winding road. I just want you to imagine one single event in your life. What would have happened if you didn't meet someone, or something didn't happen? Your life would be nothing like it is now. You would be a completely different person. God really did bless the broken road to shape you into who you need to be today, even if it was a hard road. So really cherish everything that happens to you! It is there for a reason.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Song of the Day!

Hello Everyone! (More Like "Hi Self!") So if you are going to want to continue viewing my song of the day, you will have to do so here. I've decided this seems like a good way to practice my writing and let my thoughts flow more freely. Today the song is Place in this World by Michael W. Smith. The story of how I discovered this song is an interesting one. It first entered my life when I was in 8 grade and that year's madrigals sang it. At that point, the song meant nothing to me. However, when I found it again on Mrs. Hayward's website the next year, it really hit home! It really reminded me of one of my friends, so I downloaded the piano music and fell in love with it. Just recently, I have started reflecting on myself in this song. I am to this day ever so grateful to have discovered such a beauty. (Remind me to go off on a tangeant about the word grateful sometime.)

 "Looking for a reason, roaming through the night to find my place in this world. Not a lot to lean on; I need Your light to help me find my place in this world." Isn't that so beautiful?! Just help me discover who I am and who I need to be! I need to know my purpose so that I can fulfill it and not wander in the dark wondering where I'm going. Help me discover myself. Yeah, I would really recommend listening to this song. It changes my life!