
Monday, December 9, 2013

Little Chillin's

        Hey Ya'll! The wedding plans are coming along nicely! The newest addition is the names of our children. It has been established that we are going to have 8, but we decided their initials have to spell COUNSELS when put in order. The word COUNSELS originated last year in our Geography class. We both started having twitches in our eyes. We decided to come up with a code, since yelling out, "You're eye is twitching again!" wasn't going to go well. Jessie picked up my book, turned to a random page, and decided the code name would be the first word she saw. Of course it couldn't be something like shoelace, or soufle, or pineapple, but it was counseling. From then on that has been the one trait we hold most dearly to each other, our counseling.

           Here are the requirements for each of our children. We have names we think would work nicely, but if you have any other suggestions email me! We could have a baby name contest!

Child 1: Female, Adopted Asian, Name starting with C
Child 2: Male, Quintuplet, Name starting with O
Child 3: Female, Quintuplet, Name starting with U
Child 4: Male, Quintuplet, Name starting with N
Child 5: Female, Quintuplet, Name starting with S
Child 6: Male, Quintuplet, Name starting with E
Child 7: Female, Adopted Asian, Name starting with L
Child 8: Male, Adopted Asian, Name starting with S

Our ideas for names are the following (These are improvements since the first names were Zebediah and Zazzles):


The name Cammy originated from Chameleon. LizzyBeth is the way it is because we wanted Elizabeth, but E had to be male. So LizzeBeth is the next closest thing. If you have any other suggestions that are relatively unnormal, then email them to me! Anything is better than Zazzles. (I had to promise to name our fish that.)

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